Puffy Amiyumi 59 Rarity
Equestria Girls meets Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi part 8. Back with me, Sunset and Twilight.Sunset:.
pointing. Hey, isn't that some sort of truck?Velociraptor me: A truck? I'll check it out. I run to the truck. I jumped on it and opened the door with my teeth and looked inside it.Velociraptor me:.
Purring.Twilight: Josh.?Velociraptor me: All clear! And there's cool stuff in here, c'mon!. Jumps in the truck.Twilight:. sniffing. I can smell chocolate.
And cinnamon. And peanut butter. And potato chips. And hot dogs!Sunset: Must be a rations truck. Whatever overturned it would've been pretty big. I can see the teeth marks.
inspecting them. Spino? T.Rex?Velociraptor me: Who cares? We've just hit the mother load!.
Sunset and Twilight got in the truck and closed the door, luckily Twilight found a lantern that was on full power. I was digging my head in a box full of hot dogs.Twilight: Josh.Velociraptor me:. Pokes my head out of the box with a hot dog in my mouth. What.?. Purrs.Twilight: Better power down. I think you should see this with human eyes.
I changed back to human form.Me:. Holds the hot dog. This feels cozy.Sunset: It actually does.Me: Dessert, anyone?. Hold some chocolate bars.Twilight: Whoa!
Dark chocolate Hershey's!. takes one.Sunset:. Takes one. Awesome!Me: Man, this place is a cool place to stay in. Suddenly, we heard a Raptor screech.Twilight:.
Quietly screaming. Raptors are back.!.Me: Let me take a peak. I took a little peak outside and saw the Raptor but it turns out that Raptor is.Me: Rap!Rap:. Looks at me.Me: Over here, bud!. Waves. Rap let out a screech of happiness and ran to the truck.
When he got in, he starts licking me in the face like a dog, or like Spike.Me:. Laughs. I missed you too!. Sunset closes the door.Rap:. Caw! Chittering!.Me: Well Rap, we we're gonna find you and the others but then we found this truck, which is very cozy and has a lot of food. Twilight gives Rap a hot dog.
Rap sniffed it for a moment and ate it. He then rubbed his head gently on Twilight's face and purred.Rap:. Nuzzles Twilight. Purring.Twilight: Aw.Rap:. To Twilight. Caw, Caw, Caw, squawk, chitter.Twilight: Josh, what did he say?Me: He said that your very cool and really not a killjoy.Twilight: Oh you.Me: So, how long will we be here?Sunset: Probably not too long.
Flash must be really worried about me right now.Me: No kidding.Rap:. Chittering.Me: What's that, Rap?Rap:. Squawking.Me: Flash, Dashie, and Fluttershy are traveling by air support?Rap:. Rawr!.Me: Nice.
Suddenly, we heard chirping.Me: Listen. Compys!Sunset:. opening the hatch. Let me handle this.Me:. Grabs her arm.
Sunset, no!. Closes the door.Me: Do you know what those things will do to you?!?Sunset: Sure. But if you're a 14—20 ft tall dinosaur that can squash them like bugs.Twilight:. finishing for her. That would be a whole different story.Me: Still though, we can't take that risk.
The Compys just walked passed us. Not even caring about the truck.Compy:. Chirps.Me: Just be quiet and let them pass.Sunset: Yeah, probably wouldn't be an issue. sighing.
We got bigger things to worry about.Me: What do you mean?Sunset: Flash, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash are fine out in the sky, but I'm not sure on how the others will do while split up. They could be picked off one by one.Twilight: Then we'll just have to find them as soon as possible.Me: Better start now 'cause the Compys are gone.Rap:.
Menacing Snarl. Rap jumps out of the truck with me, Twilight, and Sunset following behind.Rap:. Purring.Sunset: So, where to?Me: Don't know. I thought you knew.Sunset: So, you brought back Dinosaurs but you can't find out where we are?Me: Yeah, that's science. I'm not Bear Grylls.
Why don't you or Twilight use your sense of smell?Sunset and Twilight: Fine. Twilight used her Spinosaurus sense of smell and Sunset used her Carcharodontosaurus sense of smell.Twilight:. Sniff.
I think I'm getting something, how about you Sunset?Sunset:. sniffing. Smells like. Perfume.Me: Perfume? Dinosaurs don't wear perfume.Sunset: I know. And it's definitely not Rarity's.Twilight: You think it's Ami?Sunset: Maybe.Me: Then what the Dino are we waiting for? Let's go, Dino!.
I jog ahead.Rap:. GRAW!!!.
Rap catches up to me.Me:. In the distance. YOU TWO COMING OR NOT?Twilight: On the double!. Sunset and Twilight ran to catch up to me and Rap. Meanwhile, with the others. Team Flyer is on the prowl.Pteranodon Fluttershy: I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash. There are too many trees for us to spot anything at this distance.Pteranodon Rainbow Dash: Mm.
You're right. We should try going for open ground.Quetzalcoatlua Flash: Um, hello? Quetzalcoatlus over here? Pterosaur with extremely good eyesight? Maybe if I concentrate hard enough, I might be able to spot them.Rainbow Dash: What do we have to lose?.
With Trixie, she was still trying to find me and the others.Allosaurus Trixie:. Sniffing. Hmm.
I can sense they were here. Now where are they.?. Trixie sniffs the ground more and she picked up a sent.Allosaurus Trixie: I got a sent! The Allosaurus sure has a good sense of smell, who knew?. And so, Trixie ran to find me, Twilight, and Sunset.Me, Twilight, and Sunset: Trixie???Trixie: Guys!. reverting to human form.
I knew I'd be able to find you before everyone el— I mean, are you alright?Me: 'Alright' would be a bit of an understatement. There's a good snack bar less a mile back.Sunset:. anxiously. Where's Flash? Does he need any medical attention?Trixie: He's fine. He just flying in the sky looking for you.Sunset:. sighing in relief.
At least Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash have his back.Twilight: What about Puffy AmiYumi? The others?Trixie: They're following the stream where we lost you. Right now, we'll have to give them a signal. Something that can get Team Flyer's attention.Me: Hey, did any of you notice a couple of flares in that truck?Twilight and Sunset: Uh.Me: I'll take that as a no. Wait, I got a better idea.Trixie: And what would that be?Me: I'm goin' Dragon!!!. I go into my Dragon form and take off to the sky. I fly so high that no trees can reach.
I'm all clear.Dragon me: Perfect. I deeply inhale a lot of air and then breathe fire at the sky. The whip of flames must be ten feet long. It's more than enough to catch Team Flyer's eyes.Pteranodon Fluttershy: Goodness!Quetzalcoatlus Flash: Did you see that?Pteranodon Rainbow Dash: Yep. That's Josh, alright.
Everyone screech as hard as you can. Time we alerted the others. With Puffy team, they were still on the search to find me and the others. But they had no luck.Applejack:.
Fans herself with her hat. Phew. This is gettin' complicated.Rarity: Oh, this humid heat is ruining my hair!Yumi:. Very annoyed.
UGH! My locket is missing and your complaining about your hair? You are such a drama queen!Rarity:. outraged. Well, I never! Since my personal appearance doesn't appear to matter, let's discuss yours!Yumi:.
warily. Excuse me?Rarity: That shirt you're wearing is utterly frightful, and it doesn't exactly match your skirt and boots.
You should have a wristband and neck color which involve no spikes; they could hurt someone! And do you ever try to rid yourself of that mullet?Yumi:. growling. Watch it, girl.Rarity: Honestly, Yumi, why can't you be more like your friend Ami here?Ami: Huh?Rarity: Ami's choice of wardrobe is splended!
And that flower in her pink air, it really brings out her beauty. Her yellow shirt is absolutely delightful. It's like the shinning sun. And those marvelous white boots!Pinkie Pie: And she has pink hair like me, We're like twins! Except her hair is long and has two buns and my hair is all poofy and soft like cotton candy!.
Squee!.Ami:. blushing. I. I've never had this amount of attention before.Applejack:. winking. Eh. Y'all get used to it.Yumi: Whatever.
I don't care what you say, I like my look! I'm a rock and roll queen, not some whiny drama fashion designer!Rarity:. More outraged. HOW DARE YOU?!?Kaz:. intrigued.
Did you say 'fashion designer?' . Suddenly, they hear the screeching. The gang looked up and saw Dashie, Fluttershy, and Flash.Pteranodon Rainbow Dash: Guys, we found them!Ami and Pinkie Pie: YAY!!!Yumi and Applejack: Alright!Rarity: Oh, thank goodness.Kaz: Oh look! I found a hundred dollar bill!Yumi: Not now, Kaz!Ami: Where are they?Pteranodon Rainbow Dash: Follow us!. And so, the Puffy team followed the fliers to me and the others.
And Flash sure is persistent to get back to Sunset.Quetzalcoatlus Flash: SUNSET!!!!. Back to me and the rest of the gang, I flew back on the ground.Dragon me: Hope they saw my fire breath. Suddenly, Sunset heard someone in the distance.Quetzalcoatlus Flash: SUNSET!!!Sunset: FLASH!!!. Without warning, Sunset ran and followed the sound of Flash's voice.Dragon me: Sunset, wait up!. I flew ahead to catch up to Sunset while Twilight, Trixie, and Rap followed behind.
After a while, we all saw the big fence.Dragon me: Well, time to power down, now that the whole gang's back together. I then changed back to human form. Flash lands and changed from Qutzalcoatlus back to human and ran for his Sunny. The couple then did a lover's embrace.Sunset: Are you okay?Flash: Me?
Puffy Amiyumi 59 Rarity Lyrics
Are you okay?Sunset: I'm fine. I'm so glad I'm back with you.Flash: Same with you, Sunny.Yumi: Geez dude, you had us worried.Me: I've been through worse. Oh, Yumi, I believe you're looking for.
This?. I held out a familiar-looking necklace, catching.Yumi: My locket!. snatching it. I'm gonna make sure you never get lost again! Josh, how the heck did you find it?Me: It somehow got on my sickle shaped toe claw when we were on that chase. Suddenly, me and Twilight's Spider-Sense tingled like CRAZY!
Almost made our heads hurt.Me and Twilight: Spider-Sense.!Kaz:. excitedly looking around. Cents?
Pennies, nickles, dimes, quar—. An annoyed Applejack whacks Kaz in the head with her stetson hat.Applejack: Spider-Sense, consarn it, not Spider Cent.Fluttershy:.
nervously. Maybe we should all get to the other side of the fence before. Fluttershy's sentence is cut off by a low growling sound.Rarity: What on earth was that?Pinkie Pie: Is your tummy talking, Fluttershy?Fluttershy:. embarrassed. Um, I don't think so. The growling starts again.
Pinkie presses her head against Fluttershy's belly.Pinkie Pie: Wow! It's even louder, this time! Lucky you've still got food in your backpack.
Rainbow Dash taps on Pinkie's shoulder, causing her and Fluttershy to look towards the former. She says nothing, but points with her index finger toward their right. As Fluttershy and Pinkie turn their eyes in that direction, they can see what makes me and the others all frozen stiff. The T.Rex.
The same one that went after Kaz, who's now shaking in his boots, as well as Ami and Yumi.Kaz:. whispering. Can we panic now.?Me: Run.!T.Rex: ROOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAR!!!!!!Rainbow Dash: Go, go, go!.
We all ran as fast as we could but the T.Rex was gaining on us.T.Rex: ROOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAR!!!!!!!. The T.Rex almost took a bite out of Twilight, but thanks to her new spider like agility, she dodged it.Twilight: Hey, watch it!!!.
Suddenly, I saw a hole that we can go through it. And it's too small for the T.Rex's head.Me: Quick, through that hole!!!. We all ran through that hole, the T.Rex tried to get through but the hole is way to small for it's massive head.T.Rex: ROOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAARR!!!!!Yumi: HA! In your face, midget arms!Me: Uh. Yumi, I don't think you should talk like that to a T.Rex.Yumi:.
Scoffs. What's he gonna do? It's not like it can just break through that big fence. But suddenly, the T.Rex charged and it actually broke through the big fence.T.Rex: ROOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAR!!!!Yumi: On second thought. LET'S GET OUTTA HERE!!!Twilight: Everyone in that building!. We all ran to that old aviary building. As soon as we got in the building, we closed the door and Pinkie Pie got some boards and nailed them to the door.
The T.Rex tried to break through but after a while, the banging stopped.Ami: Is it gone.?Yumi: I think so.Me: That's the T.Rex. King of the Dino's!. Suddenly, Rap started sniffing the air.Me: Rap, what is it, bud?Rap:. Screech!.Me: You smell something?. I then went Velociraptor and I then got the scent.Velociraptor me: I smell it too! Smells like.
Me and Rap looked at Kaz.Velociraptor me and Rap:. Menacing snarl.Kaz: Uh. Why are you looking at me like that.?Velociraptor me: GET HIM!!!Rap: SCREEEEEEECH!!!!.
Rap and I leaped at Kaz and I grabbed him by the pants with my teeth and shook him around like a rag doll.Kaz:. yelping. Tasukete! I'm being used as a Dino chew toy!!!. Pinkie films the whole thing via her cellphone.Pinkie Pie:.giggling. If this doesn't make the hit list of C.H.S.' S Funniest Home Video Contest, I dunno what will!Yumi: WHAT IS HE DOING?!?Ami: JOSH, STOP!Sunset: Twilight, do something!Twilight: Got it.
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loudly. JOSHUA OLIVO!!!. I stop my shaking and looked at my girlfriend.Velociraptor me: Hmm.?Twilight:.
Mufasa-like. Drop him.Kaz:. fast-paced. Yes, yes! Only let me fall on my stomach, okay? This bag's got a lot of.
Delicate equipment. laughing nervously as he sweats.Velociraptor me: I don't think so!. I drop Kaz on his stomach.Velociraptor me: Guess we'll have to do this the hard way. I talked to rap in Raptor language.Velociraptor me:. Chitter!
Squawk, squawk!.Rap:. Graw!. Rap put his left foot on Kaz's back to prevent him from escaping.Rap:. Menacing snarl.Velociraptor me: Hold still.
Hiss of death. I then did a fast swipe with my sickle shaped toe claw.Kaz AAAAAHH!!!!All:. GASP!.Twilight: Josh.
How could you.?!. But they all saw I took the bag. When I opened it, inside where.Velociraptor me: RAPTOR EGGS!!!Yumi:. astonished. Raptor eggs? Like one of those eggs I nearly had for lunch yesterday?Velociraptor me: Yes!Ami: Kaz, you stole raptor eggs?!
How could you?!?Kaz: I thought they'd be worth a fortune!Yumi:. flatly. Why am I not surprised.?Kaz: But it's more than just money! Remember when I considered buying that lizard Josh has been keeping for a pet?. Rap growls menacingly.Kaz:. gulping. Anyway, I figured: Why settle with one trained dinosaur when you could raise two?
With no charge! This band would have a pair of highly effective bodyguards; much smarter and more reliable than that bonehead, Wall! And all with the extra money, we could afford a meat product facility that will give these babies a lifetime supply of gourmet meals! Not bad for a rock group manager, huh?Yumi: Kaz, this is the most idiotic and crazy idea you ever came up with!. Yumi grabs the bag with the eggs in it.Yumi: There is no way we're keeping two vicious Dino's!Ami: Besides, we already have our two cats and your dog.Yumi: Exactly!
We already have enough creatures living with us!. Yumi was about to drop them in the river.
But them I quickly changed back to human form.Me: YUMI, NO!!!. I quickly shot out a web-line from my wrist and web-pulled the eggs to me.Yumi: Why'd you do that for?! I was getting rid of those eggs. Those Raptors are after us because of Kaz!Me: Those Raptors know we have the eggs. If we just drop them in the river like that they'll still be after us. I then put the bag strapped on to my left side of my body.Yumi: What if they catch us with them?Me: What if they catch us without them?Sunset: Before Twilight, Josh, and I got back with all of you, we saw a boat down in the canyon. It's just downriver.Applejack: But how are we all gonna get down there?Pinkie Pie: Why don't we use these stairs?.
Pinkie Pie was standing next to a spiral staircase that led both up to the top floor and down to somewhere else.Me: Nice work, Pinkie! Let's go Dino!. I take the lead as I descend the stairs.
Twilight is right behind me. One at at time, everyone else follows, with Rainbow Dash bringing up the rear.To Be Continued. What a way to spoil a romantic and friendly reunion. At least it's not the Spinosaurus, this time.Kaz, you're crazier and dumber than the guys who built this place!A few corrections:. Rainbow Dash taps on Pinkie's shoulder, causing her and Fluttershy to look towards the former. She says nothing, but points with her index finger toward their right. As Fluttershy and Pinkie turn their eyes in that direction, they can see what makes me and the others all frozen stiff.
The T.Rex. The same one that went after Kaz, who's now shaking in his boots, as well as Ami and Yumi.Kaz:.whispering. Can we panic now.?Me: Run.!T.Rex: ROOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAR!!!!!!Rainbow Dash: Go, go, go!. We all ran as fast as we could but the T.Rex was gaining on us.T.Rex: ROOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAR!!!!!!!. The T.Rex almost took a bite out of Twilight, but thanks to her new spider like agility, she dodged it.