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AbstractA detailed knowledge of microstructure properties of shale rocks is very important to help us to understand the transport behavior of fluid inside porous shale, and further the quantitative study of permeability, which is critical in exploration of the unconventional reservoir, e.g. Gasbearing shale. Due to the fact that the scale of pore/crack is as small as 0.1 to 0.005 μm in shale, it’s nearly impossible to direct measure all the microstructure properties of shale, including porosity, aspect ratio, pore connectivity and fluid type, assuming the pore and crack geometry is arbitrary ellipsoid.
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How could we get the microstructure properties of shale from rock physics model? Given mineralogy of a rock, General Singular Approximation (GSA) method can take into account all the microstructure properties to apply the numerical rock physics modeling to obtain the effective stiffness, which can be used to calculate the anisotropic P and S wave velocities with regard to angle. Therefore, the optimized anisotropic microstructure properties can be obtained from solving an inverse problem of GSA modeling, by minimizing the objective function, which is defined as the difference of anisotropic P and S velocitiesbetween ultrasonic measurement and the GSA calculation.