Mu Tron Bi Phase Manualidades

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Why I'd say it's FAKE???Site seems weird, only products, no contact, no link from mu-fx.comand same description as prophecy sound? Cut and paste!The Mu-Tron Bi-Phase is a dual phase-shifter invented and marketed by Musictronics USA in the 70s. It has become well-known and well-loved for it's 'classic' warm and deep sound, as well as the flexibility of it's control and audio-processing capabilities.

The Prophecysound Pi-Phase mk2 seeks to accurately reproduce the sound and control layout of the original unit.The Pi-Phase mk2 is all-analog and parts-accurate to the original, as much as is possible.true-bypass foot-switching for each individual phase channel is built into the pedal. An expression pedal may be connected to the CV PEDAL socket at the rear of the Pi-Phase mk2.Alternatively, you can connect an external CV signal in the range of 0-5V for controlling the Pi-Phase mk2 from a modular synth or modulation source. Either method - expression pedal or CV - allows controlling of LFO speeds and / or manual sweep of the phase sections.-The Mu-Tron Bi-Phase is a dual phase-shifter invented and marketed by Musictronics USA in the 70s. It has become well-known and well-loved for it’s ‘classic’ warm and deep sound, as well as the flexibility of it’s control and audio-processing capabilities.

Mu Tron Bi Phase Manualidades

The Bi-Phase seeks to accurately reproduce the sound and control layout of the original unit. The Bi-Phase is all-analog and parts-accurate to the original, as much as is possible.True-bypass foot-switching for each individual phase channel is built into the pedal. An expression pedal may be connected to the CV PEDAL socket at the rear of the Bi-Phase. Alternatively, you can connect an external CV signal in the range of 0-5V for controlling the Bi-Phase from a modular synth or modulation source. Either method – expression pedal or CV – allows controlling of LFO speeds and / or manual sweep of the phase sections.And by the way, I LOVE MY PI-PHASE mk2!!! Click to expand.Yes, you are 100% correct, doing a clone of a pedal, where the clone has much more compact design in terms of box, controls and PCB layout, a industry-original/unique 9V/12V - +/-15DC converter, and nails the original sound at - what? - 1/3rd the cost of a roughed-up original is merely 'stealing'.Someone emailed me about this topic, and here's what I was going to reply, but will paste here instead:'The 2018 MuFX Biphase is a legit product, all text on MuFX's website is used by agreement and enthusiasm by us, and we're really excited to be able to exit the FX biz but also have our hard work not lost in the sands of time.

I'm personally rather chuffed that the mk1 version I engineered and assembled by hand (for way too long!) has evolved to the mk2 version and now to this point. Rand @ MuFX has done an amazing and superhuman job of assisting Mike to move MuFX forwards and I really hope they sell a bucket load of these pedals.' 'We' in this case equates to myself, and the other Prophecysound directors. I'll be on-hand to support current Prophecysound product owners and dealers indefinitely at the same email address, but the company itself is frozen.Mike.

Mu Tron Bi Phase Manualidades Youtube

OK, I'm not sure why the 'fake' thing. IF I can get a timeline going here:Prophecy Sound implements a pretty dead-nuts version of the Bi-Phase, but calls it the Pi-phase out of respect for Mike Biegl (sp?). This happened what, a decade ago?Mike B restarts his company, gets the rights to the name Mutron and comes out with a Mutron III that's super accurate and sounds greatMike B talks to the Prophecy Sound guys about building their phaser under license?

Mu tron bi phase

Mu Tron Bi Phase Manualidades 2017

And then basically buys the pedal from them, to continue production under the Mutron nameProphecy Sound bows out of business, leaving sadness and a lot less super cool stuff in the world! But the Pi-Phase/Bi-Phase carries on.

No more InfinitePhase?)Did I get that more or less right,? OK, I'm not sure why the 'fake' thing. IF I can get a timeline going here:Prophecy Sound implements a pretty dead-nuts version of the Bi-Phase, but calls it the Pi-phase out of respect for Mike Biegl (sp?). This happened what, a decade ago?Mike B restarts his company, gets the rights to the name Mutron and comes out with a Mutron III that's super accurate and sounds greatMike B talks to the Prophecy Sound guys about building their phaser under license? And then basically buys the pedal from them, to continue production under the Mutron nameProphecy Sound bows out of business, leaving sadness and a lot less super cool stuff in the world!

But the Pi-Phase/Bi-Phase carries on. No more InfinitePhase?)Did I get that more or less right,? Click to expand.The Pi-Phase mk1 came out in December 2013. I can't comment on what Mike has been doing, and some of the other details are not so important really or are confidential details. The main thing is Mike and Rand will have a true-blue 'Biphase' available, and Prophecysound won't any more. I haven't made Infinitphases for a while; frankly my software development career and time available to play music suffered somewhat when I was doing Prophecysound, and it's time to move on.

I'll miss dealing with potential and actual customers, and getting to know them a bit, somewhat, but perhaps not the rest of the business stuff.Mike + Rand + the MuFX (or 'Mutron' as they appear to be now, seems they reacquired the name) gang deserve every success and reward for their efforts.