Rs Logix 500 Including Serial And Activation Disk Cleanup

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  1. Rslogix 500 Including Serial And Activation Disk Cleanup Windows 7
  2. Rslogix 500 Including Serial And Activation Disk Cleanup Tool
Rs logix 500 including serial and activation disk cleanup toolRs Logix 500 Including Serial And Activation Disk Cleanup

You can request a free upgrade from Rockwell for an FTA-style key. You give them the old key disk serial number and then they ship you a piece of paper. Once you've got an FTA key, everything can be done online.

Rslogix 500 including serial and activation disk cleanup mac

Rslogix 500 Including Serial And Activation Disk Cleanup Windows 7

The license file is locked onto a hardware serial number. There are 3 choices for this: a NIC (network) card, the hard drive serial number, or a special USB dongle that AB sells. The nice part about the dongle is that you can install Logix 500 on as many machines as you want and just move the physical dongle from one machine to another to move the license. Even without the dongle, if you need to move the license to a different machine or recover it, Rockwell made the procedure fairly painless.

Rslogix 500 Including Serial And Activation Disk Cleanup Tool

If you upgrade to a concurrent license, then you can load the licenses onto a server and share them out across your network, or even 'borrow' a license (temporarily load it onto a laptop). I made this jump when I upgraded all the licenses at my former employer and it was hands down much more stable and nice than the master disk method. You might as well do the upgrade pain now because when CPR 10 comes out, master disk keys are supposed to be done and the next version will not support them.Edited 3 Jun 2009 by paulengr.