Code National Du Batiment Quebec Pdf Viewer

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  1. Code Du Batiment Quebec

.The provisions of this Regulation, which was adopted under the Act respecting building contractors vocational qualifications (c. Q-1), remain in force to the extent that they are consistent with the Building Act.The provisions of this regulation are related to the safety of public bathing places, that is to aspects concerning supervisors, lifeguards and safety equipment. This regulation, which was adopted pursuant to the Public Buildings Safety Act (c. S-3), is in force for all bathing places.The construction and modification of bathing places must be carried out according to the requirements of.Minimum dimensions of diving installations (section 16 of the Regulation)See the RBQ has developed a diagram showing stipulated in Schedule 1 of the Regulation.Since February 1, 1992, sections 28 to 39 and 41 to 60, as well as Schedule D of this Regulation, are deemed to have been adopted under the Act respecting workforce vocational training and qualification (c.

Code National Du Batiment Quebec Pdf ViewerCode

F-5).This law was replaced on November 7, 2000 by the Building Act, with regard to buildings and facilities intended for public use, which are covered by Chapter I of the Construction Code, approved by Order in Council 953-2000 on July 26, 2000. This law was replaced on October 21, 2004 by the Building Act, with regard to passenger ropeways, and elevators and other elevating devices, which are covered by Chapter IV of the Construction Code, approved by Order in Council 895-2004 on September 22, 2004.This law was replaced on January 1, 2006 by the Building Act, with regard to elevators and other lifts, which are covered by Chapter IV of the Safety Code, approved by Order in Council 896-2004 on September 22, 2004. This law was replaced on June 21, 2006 by the Building Act, with regard to public baths. r.1 Amusement Rides Regulation. This Regulation is no longer in force since May 3, 2012.

Code Du Batiment Quebec

It was replaced and integrated into the Building Act, in the chapter entitled Amusement Rides and Devices.


“ Overall thermal transmittance (U-value) means the rate at which heat is transferred through a building assembly that is subject to a temperature difference. It represents the amount of heat transferred through a unit area in a unit of time induced under steady-state conditions by a unit temperature difference between the environments on its two faces. The U-value reflects the capacity of all elements to transfer heat through the thickness of the assembly, as well as, for instance, through air films on both faces for above-ground components.”.